Julie Stevens

A Coat to Last

When you unzipped me, I slouched.
Arched, like ninety years had moulded me
into a wilted figure,
limping towards the final whistle.

You left no skeleton to anchor this body,
no firm muscle to strengthen my walk,
just a bowl of pulp
festering in a bag of skin.

Measure these arms, these legs
and cut a coat that can’t be unravelled.
Stitch imperishable thread into
fabric, strong as life itself.

Then I’ll wear it proud,
seize every chance waiting and
refuse obstacles born to hurt.
A coat fastened with hope.

Julie Stevens writes poems sometimes reflecting the impact Multiple Sclerosis (MS) has on her life. Her winning Stickleback pamphlet Balancing Act was recently published by Hedgehog Poetry Press (June 2021) and her debut chapbook Quicksand by Dreich (Sept 2020).Twitter @julesjumping