Ceri Savage
Of Fried Calamari
You told me of the lingering claws
and wise faces of a sloth sanctuary,
of bicep ache, volleyballs, of pool bars
with yellow walls, shuffling turtles
and beach huts, hitchhiking in pick-up trucks,
of cerulean-painted school buses,
guardabarrancos on the wheel arch.
When an old lady pulled onto the sidewalk,
asked us to watch her gardener’s band,
swerved up the road to the bayside pub,
bought fried calamari for our company,
I felt us create our own stories –
short and winding, like Roald Dahl’s
on a bus along the Welsh coast,
murmured into your hairline, and lasting
as ones on summer nights – restless,
one leg out the covers – whimsical,
rambling, told only to lull you to sleep.
Ceri Savage is a British, Berlin-based writer with a BA in English Literature from the University of Exeter. Her writing is published in The FU Review, Tether’s End, and ASP Literary Journal. Ceri is the founder of Savage Edits, an editing business that provides self-publishing services to indie authors. Follow Ceri @cerisavagewrites.