Gottfried Maria Heuer

Birth of a Poem


Out of nowhere,

‘cross the star-lit meadows of my mind

flocks of strange birds

swoop this-a-way and that,

wings silver-feathered,

each of a diff’rent kind,

aflutter in night’s velvet-blue,

they hover over sacred ground:

a quick decision — then touch-down

to lay their jewelled eggs,

oh so gently, ‘mongst the flowers

and the soft green blades of grass,

before they rise again,

to soon be gone:

just a single, downy feather,

gliding down that first ray

of an orange rising moon,

whose shine will over time

caress those eggs to full-term,

until they’re ripe to hatch —

and then — — —

as their soft shells split open,

flocks of strange words

fly this-a-way and that,

sparkling star-bursts

‘cross the shimm’ring meadows  

of my mind,

settling down in time,

in rhythm and in harmony,

a poem fully formed and wild

born of my soul:                                                 

my child,                                                              

    leaving home                                                        

for the unknown.                               

Dr. Gottfried M. Heuer, Jungian Training-psychoanalyst, Neo-Reichian body-psychotherapist; West London practice for over 45 years; work in most European countries, North, Central and South America, Australia and Asia; independent scholar with some 70 papers published in 7 languages. His books include 10 Otto Gross Congress–proceedings (; Sacral Revolution (Routledge 2010); Sexual Revolutions (Routledge 2011; Russian edition 2017); and Freud's 'Outstanding' Colleague/Jung's 'Twin Brother': The Suppressed Psychoanalytic and Political Significance of Otto Gross (Routledge 2017); and he is also a published graphic artist, photographer, sculptor and poet. Interviews @ and                                                         On beauty:                                    Artwork: